Western N.Y. dirt & asphalt tracks in the 70s and 80s..!

One Time

  Remeber the guys that got us all here like in the seventies when we would run Holland on Sat. night go home and change everything over and run Humberstone on sunday afternoon..?  Here's just a few.. Eddie Anchor, Bob Beason, Dale Buck, Eddie Ferris, Dick Flaig, Kenny Heywood,  Don Marsciell, Jimmy Mazur, Joe Middleton,  Vance Richenberg, Steve Wren, Pete Yasses.! Thats what racing should be like today..! Too much money being spent and not as much fun..!  God Bless all those guys that would run every night they could. Batavia on  Thurs. night, Fri. at Perry, Sat. Canandaigua, or Holland or Lancaster. Sunday haul to Canada to run the dirt on Sunday.! How about you..? Got any momories you would like to add..? 


one time, In your post you mentioned kenny heywood, I am the guy that restored his 10 x car. could I get any more info from you on him ???, thank you.. bill tierson .
i certianly MISS them days terribly, sure brings a huge smile to my face thinking about them. aint got a clue where we found the time for anything like the weekend racing week after week  i guess it was just a way of life. Would like to hear from some of the other guys on here and glad we still have interest in in at one time the only thing we knew how to do besides go to work and make all the money we could so we could race . Would not trade it for the world except maybe just a little less partying at the sportsman hotel  and ALL the others on the way home !!!! damm sure wish we were still back then!!!!
Yep" the good old day's! as a kid in the 70's i spent my weekends at DRUM raceway in allentown,ny and also over to woodhull. then in the early 80's when i was old enough to race i got my start at Circle-K speedway in whitesville,ny. also ran at Bradford, smethport, freedom and perry. watched and raced against alot of great drivers back in the day. names like Bill layfield, pete tingue, al brewer, tom Taber, Kerry Bhe, Ed fay, Ron stanko, Ron Baker and so many more! Great memories....
