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UPDATE: So after a lot of hard work keeping the track and the grounds ready to go, We want to race, we want to get things going....
Source: UPDATE: So after a lot of hard work keeping the track and the grounds ready to go, We want to race, we want to get things going....
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UPDATE: So after a lot of hard work keeping the track and the grounds ready to go, We want to race, we want to get things going. I know there are a lot of rumors and a lot of speculation as to our plans. Watching racing all around us is difficult. PA has its own set of rules and I am happy for all of them but in NY we have to live by a different set of rules. We are on the border which makes it harder to understand how a track within 50 miles from us can race with 2000 fans and we can have none. Its not about fairness, its about the rules of the state we live in. NYS enters phase 4 of reopening this coming Friday. Someday this coming week, we will get guidelines for re opening. As of today those guidelines are a big secret to all. Our goal is to open Saturday July 4th with fans, due to guidelines being a big secret, we honestly don't know what to expect so we have a plan to present to county and state leaders that will give us a percentage of our capacity which would allow us to race with fans. As of today, nothing is concrete but we feel confident that we will be able to race. We have put together a great show to open with, details will be put out later this week when we have a definite okay to open. I will say that we will push as hard as possible to get open for all of our fans and competitors but we also have rules and regulations we will have to follow. Our track rentals and practice have been great so far and we appreciate the support from everyone. A spcial thanks again to Jerry Sinsabaugh for his tireless work and energy, Larry Teeter for keeping the grounds mowed and looking better than they have in years. Ellen Hodge for the support and hard work to keep things up and running and Tom Bellinger for always being there to lend a hand. Bill Morich, thanks for the light power being ready to go. Izzy and Mike Kellogg, John and Barb Gross for always being there as well. I hope we have some great news by the end of the week and can make all of our plans come together for a great 4th of July at the Drome. Fingers crossed, Thanks to all for the support, Hope to see everyone soon. Stay Healthy and be smart, we got this.
Ray Hodge
<img src="https://scontent-dus1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p480x480/104603148_2632862250259983_5120346691230303358_o.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=3&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=eu_Sk4Adz9AAX-yGjri&_nc_ht=scontent-dus1-1.xx&tp=6&oh=1635034712791985b5de208266fd1cca&oe=604D9A77">
Source: UPDATE: So after a lot of hard work keeping the track and the grounds ready to go, We want to race, we want to get things going....
ALWAYS check for complete social media information by clicking on the SOURCE link above.