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This Slush crush is a non-spectator event.
We are being monitored very heavily.
Please understand we don't make these regulat...
Source: This Slush crush is a non-spectator event.
We are being monitored very heavily.
Please understand we don't make these regulat...
ALWAYS check for complete social media information by clicking on the SOURCE link above.
We are being monitored very heavily.
Please understand we don't make these regulat...
This Slush crush is a non-spectator event.
We are being monitored very heavily.
Please understand we don't make these regulations how ever we are being very careful.
We cannot express how much this is being watched, we must be by the book.
That Being said we are moving forward with alot of eyes on us.
Mask/ face coverings are required when u are outside of your pit station.
Our grandstands will be closed.
THE WINNINGS will be $600 to the winner.
All drivers will keep helmets on during tech and when out side of there pits.
This will be a 60 lap race yes it isn't as long but it will speed up the process understand above-mentioned we are being watched.
Winnings will be cash.
Presented to the driver immediately after the race.
Thank you very much for you understanding we hope to be fully operational soon but until we are informed it's very limited. We are doing our best to keep the DRIVERS on the track and running.
<img src="https://scontent-dus1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p180x540/141273515_2485432628418813_7892548150134002542_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=3&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_ohc=_v8EsVm56FMAX9afEc0&_nc_ht=scontent-dus1-1.xx&tp=6&oh=4a12a9e6aa6d4e46c99566ca28dfae84&oe=605AF198">
Source: This Slush crush is a non-spectator event.
We are being monitored very heavily.
Please understand we don't make these regulat...
ALWAYS check for complete social media information by clicking on the SOURCE link above.