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The Front page, headlines and all of the Feature Winners from the February 2, 2021 edition of Area Auto Racing News are now avai...
Source: The Front page, headlines and all of the Feature Winners from the February 2, 2021 edition of Area Auto Racing News are now avai...
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The Front page, headlines and all of the Feature Winners from the February 2, 2021 edition of Area Auto Racing News are now available online at www.aarn.com!
A PIVOTAL MOMENT in the Short Track Super Series Modified finale at Bubba Raceway Park on Saturday night saw Mike Gular Racing (2A) and Stewart Friesen (44) make contact while battling for the lead. As a result of the incident Friesen (top photo by Matt Butcosk) flipped into the outside barrier, while Gular raced on to the $8,000 victory. KICKING OFF his season with a victory at Screven MotorSports Complex was Donny Schatz (15, bottom photo by Jason Brown) in All Star Circuit of Champions Sprint Car competition. Schatz (15) races with Tyler Courtney (7) on his way to the victory.
Want a copy of this weeks front page as a keepsake? Get it now: https://areaautoracingnews.zenfolio.com/p8411731
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Source: The Front page, headlines and all of the Feature Winners from the February 2, 2021 edition of Area Auto Racing News are now avai...
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