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The Front page, headlines and all of the Feature Winners from the February 16, 2021 edition of Area Auto Racing News are now ava...
Source: The Front page, headlines and all of the Feature Winners from the February 16, 2021 edition of Area Auto Racing News are now ava...
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The Front page, headlines and all of the Feature Winners from the February 16, 2021 edition of Area Auto Racing News are now available online at www.aarn.com!
FROM FLORIDA: Matt Sheppard (9S) shortstopped Max McLaughlin (32c) under yellow after McLaughlin collided with Sheppard (top, Bob Armbruster) during the race. The pair would later have an altercation in the pit area. Matt Hirschman (60) and Ryan Preece (6) race for the win at New Smyrna Speedway (left center, Motorsports Aspects) during the Richie Evans Tour Mod 100. Ryan Preece (center right, Dick Ayers Racing Images), won New Smyrna?s Blewett Memorial race from 35th spot. Last lap Daytona 500 carnage (bottom, Rob Sweeten) changed race outcome and tore up cars.
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Source: The Front page, headlines and all of the Feature Winners from the February 16, 2021 edition of Area Auto Racing News are now ava...
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