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It is very humbling to see all of the positive comments and the support not only for the track but for all of our efforts to giv...
Source: It is very humbling to see all of the positive comments and the support not only for the track but for all of our efforts to giv...
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It is very humbling to see all of the positive comments and the support not only for the track but for all of our efforts to give people who feel confident enough to come to an event and do the right things, Face covering, Social Distance, wash your hands, avoid shaking hands and if you are sick, STAY HOME. On another note, we made the complaint list and have been turned in 9 times to date and we haven't opened a gate. As always, people who complain anonymously have no voice. 3 of the 9 came from one person with a fake name, these are people who have wanted to see us fail from the start last year. No matter what happens in 2020, I can promise you we will be back so strong in 2021 with a great season already in the works to thank all of the competitors and fans who make Chemung Speedrome the great facility it is. For the very few that hide behind a fake name and a keyboard, thank you!
No Name, No Voice,
Ray Hodge
<img src="https://scontent-dus1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/116042579_2657344864478388_3555392939407363341_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=3&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=0iOI_Rgc7EUAX8nW3Hk&_nc_ht=scontent-dus1-1.xx&oh=0d0ef17c68441139b051e2e8f1bb0eee&oe=60507C88">
Source: It is very humbling to see all of the positive comments and the support not only for the track but for all of our efforts to giv...
ALWAYS check for complete social media information by clicking on the SOURCE link above.