I know its a little late but we have to give credit where its due, Daryl Lewis Jr. had a great 3rd place finish at Chemung on ou...

I know its a little late but we have to give credit where its due, Daryl Lewis Jr. had a great 3rd place finish at Chemung on ou...

I know its a little late but we have to give credit where its due, Daryl Lewis Jr. had a great 3rd place finish at Chemung on our opening night. After the race, Daryls 3rd place run was taken away after failing post race tech. Our tech guys did the right thing, they followed the rules as they were written. After a review and a lot of questions and concerns from other competitors, it was a rule that had been put in the book when we were talking about switching to crate motors and after making the decision not to switch, it was never take out. 100% my fault, no fault of our tech guys as they were going by the written rule book. So in the end, the car was legal and Daryl Lewis Jr. is being credited with the 3rd place finish he deserves, the Lewis family have always been great supporters of Chemung and we appreciate them making the trip and owe them a huge apology for the mistake. Congratulations Daryl on a great run, and most importantly, the checks in the mail.  

Ray Hodge 8/18/20

<img src="https://scontent-dus1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/118158044_2679338045612403_6971390442528209881_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=3&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=AhbHITcp_OcAX8uewG7&_nc_ht=scontent-dus1-1.xx&oh=25f8c2c3bfd85382b19fafc176f0adac&oe=6050DDD6">

Source: I know its a little late but we have to give credit where its due, Daryl Lewis Jr. had a great 3rd place finish at Chemung on ou...

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