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Due to state restrictions on mass gatherings, we have no choice but to postpone our July 4th race program. As of this morning, s...
Source: Due to state restrictions on mass gatherings, we have no choice but to postpone our July 4th race program. As of this morning, s...
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Due to state restrictions on mass gatherings, we have no choice but to postpone our July 4th race program. As of this morning, state officials tell me that we cannot open with fans. I known there are tracks doing it and I applaud them. I know tracks are running without fans and that just doesn?t fit for Chemung. Fans are our business and without the fans, we wouldn?t make it more than a few weeks. This is going to be a weekly battle for us and we have worked hard to have a plan to open with all of the guidelines set fourth by the state but at this time it?s just not good enough for them. I apologize to everyone that has worked so hard to keep the track ready to go. I feel all of your pain, believe me if I could do it I would, at this time I think the best course is to follow the state guidelines and open as soon as possible, if we open without their blessing, we take a chance of being shut down and who knows where that would lead. I will keep you updated as soon as I know anything new. Our long term goal is to keep racing at Chemung for years to come. Thank you all for the continued support.
Ray Hodge
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Source: Due to state restrictions on mass gatherings, we have no choice but to postpone our July 4th race program. As of this morning, s...
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