2008 Pro Truck Tour Awards Banquet


November 9, 2008

      2nd Annual Pro Truck Series Awards Banquet

Where:    Waneta Inn
              4015 E Waneta Lake Rd
              Dundee, NY 14837
              (607) 292-3680
When: Sunday December 14th 2008  Social hour at 2pm Dinner at 3 pm
Tickets are $5.00 each and bring a plate to pass ( same deal as last year, I know
no one went away hungry.)
Tickets can be purchased online at www.protrucktour.com or by mailing them to
Pro Truck Tour
92 Perry Ave.
Corning, NY 14830
Please indicate number of tickets needed

Driver or Truck Owner must be present to collect Awards


For Immediate Release:

Contact: Mwarren12@stny.rr.com
November 19, 2008

Due to a scheduling conflict with the Inn the Banquet date has been tentatively changed to Sunday January 4th, 2009. The week of Christmas is usually too hectic for most so we have pushed the date back. I am waiting for confirmation from Nancy at the Inn. We apologize, but there were two people booking the dining hall and one did not know of the others previous commitment of the Dining Room. Social hour will still be at 2 pm, dinner at 3 , awards to follow.

If this is not a good date from someone, please let me know. This date is TENTATIVE until I receive confirmation. which should be sometime this afternoon or tomorrow.


